
I have co-authored two research papers as a research assistant so far. Here are the details of my experiences of them below:-

University of Oxford - Dr. Utkarsh Agrawal

In this, I was an assistant for Dr. Utkarsh Agrawal from the University of Oxford, where I co-authored the “Detecting COVID-19 Infections from Computed Tomography Scans Using a Convolutional Neural Network” [still in pre-submission]. I learnt all about CNNs, and reading scientific literature. It was essentially my first intense scientific experience which made me want to learn more about it and made me interested in research and teaching!

Maharashtra Institute of Technology - Dr. Abhilasha Mishra

I attended workshops and instruction sessions to be able to develop and submit the “An Improved Object Tracking and Estimating Using Yolov5 Model Based on Adaptive Kalman Filter and Mixed Precision for Efficient Inference Performance on Surveillance Camera” paper to the Trends in Sciences Journal [in preprint]. This was quite intense and difficult to navigate, but the experience was worth it. You can have a look at the paper here.